
CoRneY Giveaway ! - CLOSED -

5:07:00 AM

Hello Beautiful Creatures, it's time for another Giveaway!

This is T.T.T's fourth Giveaway and this time I am cooperating with another lovely etsy store called CoRneY. I love CoRneY because it's an ECO-Friendly store and I am into "Saving The World" mood nowadays. I try to reduce & recycle these past few weeks so I thought I might as well host an Eco-friendly Giveaway ^o^

Now let's meet Eling, the lovely owner of CoRnEY. She made attractive bracelets and cuffs from eco-friendly stuffs such as leather and hemp rope, no metal and no gems were used in her handmade bracelets and cuffs. Now that's what we called a Total Eco-Friendly Jewelries! She has amazing capability in creating items by re-using materials that she found around her.

Her style is a mix between oriental and western. Lots of 'em are also unisex so you can buy something that your boyfriend can actually borrow ^o^
Another thing that I love about her store is the fact that she wanted the world to know that handmade things are not expensive! In her store the price is $10 and lower! Yep, that's right, less than $10! She also has many styles of bracelets to choose from. And here's your best part: CoRneY wants to do a GIVEAWAY for T.T.T's readers! One of you awesome readers will win one of this gorgeous Coconut Shell and Colour Beads Bangle Cuff (in random color, depending on the stock):

This one is adjustable so it would fit a small as well as big hand wrist. You can even wear it near your elbow if you want. Like it's name, it's made from coconut shells and tiny gold beads. This is actually one of Elings' personal favorite, so thank you Eling and CoRneY for sponsoring this Giveaway!

And here's the RULES for the giveaway :
(To be eligible for this giveaway contest you MUST do the MANDATORY below. You only need 1 Mandatory entry to enter, but you could also have Additional entries to maximize your chances, please remember to leave each entry in a separate comment box or it won't be counted)

To ENTER (MANDATORY) : Visit Eling's etsy store, CoRneY (click) and take a look around at the store, find your most favorite item then come back here and write a comment of your favorite item on this post. (1 entry)

For Additional entry :
  • Blog about this giveaway with a link back here, leave the URL of your post in a NEW separate comment box. (1 entry)
  • Follow Two Thousand Things via these options: Subscriber / RSS / BlogLovin / Twitter then in a NEW separate comment write your id. If you're already a follower then just tell me your id/name and which subscription are you using. Don't forget to write in separate comment box for each of your subscriptions. You can find all subscription links at the right side bar. (1 entry for each subscription)

NOTE : Remember to include your email in the comment box so I can reach you if you win.

This giveaway will be open for 7 days and will end on Sept 10th, 2009 at 24:00 pm.
Winner will be announced here on Sept 11th, 2009.

This giveaway is open for worldwide users!
I will use random.org to pick the winning number and contact the winner via email as well as post the announcement in my blog. If the winner does not respond within 48hrs then I will have to choose another winner and will announce it again in my blog.

Now have fun at CoRneY, enter the contest and Good Luck to everyone!

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59 thoughts & comments

  1. My favorite item is suprisingly the first image reminds me of summer camp and hippies!
    Enter my Giveaway!

  2. great stuffs!
    my favourite is the magic Cuff with flower tattoo

    count me in for the giveaway


  3. I really like the simple Leather Cuff wristband with easy buckle burgundy /YT54 :) I love simple things. Thanks for a chance to win!
    origamibysisi at gmail dot com

  4. Posting this giveaway tomorrow on my blog: http://www.hmgiveaways.blogspot.com

  5. My favorite is the four-strand coconut shell necklace in yellow-brown (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26488778).... so versatile!


  6. I subscribe to your blog via google!


  7. I love the Cow leather and hemp multi-strand Bracelet adjustable /B8


    jrerwin6 at gmail dot com

  8. I subscribe via rss!

    jrerwin6 at gmail dot com

  9. I adore the Pink Cow leather and hemp Bracelet with clay bead /B22!

  10. i like the simple leather cuff wristband in burgundy.

  11. i like http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=29914000

  12. This is such a lovely giveaway my fingers are crossed. I love the blue coconut shell cuff It's such a pretty color. Thanks for the giveaway.Marian


  13. The 4 strand coconut shell and wooden bead necklace in turquoise has stolen my heart...I can imagine wearing it often!


  14. i love this necklace

    its gorgeous!

  15. i follow you on twitter---i'm amo11314

  16. Hello there! I really like to watch your blogg. Your a cool girl.
    Iam Oskar from Sweden. I saw the link to your page an a Award page. So thats Iam here. But i have to say your blogg is uniq and special.
    I wish you all the best


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I love the VELOURS and Rattan Bracelet Cuff wristband closure by brass button /T3.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  19. I'm following your blog.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  20. I subscribed via RSS.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  21. Following on Twitter @aikchien

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  22. I love "Cowhide and hemp flower bud Bracelet" from eling's shop:)

  23. My favorite is the 4 strand CoConut Shell and wooden bead Necklace turquoise /NL11

    It looks natural yet sophisticated at the same time.


  24. I like the Zodiac Capricorn The goat ceramic Bracelet

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  25. My favorite items are the Leather cuffs.
    I like the simple Leather Cuff wristband with easy buckle in burgundy the most.
    I can imagine wearing it everyday! and that price can't be beat.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win something from this fabulous shop!

    lilygreig at gmail dot com

  26. I like BLUE coconut shell bracelet Cuff wristband -lovely color

  27. 4 strand Cocoanut Shell Necklace RED donut is my favorite!


  28. Following the blog!


  29. Hello!
    I like the 4 strand Cocoanut Shell Necklace RED donut style /NL04. Very pretty.

    Thank you for the opportunity!

    secretcake (at) yahoo (dot) com

  30. Cross Cowhide cuff bracelet with studded closure by brass snap /YT30

    what great prices--i'm going to have to bookmark corney for some Christmas shopping!

  31. aaackk. i forgot to leave my e-mail in the last post, so cross that one out--

    Cross Cowhide cuff bracelet with studded closure by brass snap /YT30

    sandtneal at mfire dot com

  32. LIke the Multi-strand Cowhide and Hemps Bracelet

  33. I love the magic cuff bracelet with the fishbone tattoo. It's a really pretty and interesting peice.


  34. I'm a follower


  35. I'm subscribed to you as well


  36. I'm folloqing you on twitter


  37. I tweeted:



  38. I like the green coconut shell necklace!

  39. My favorite piece is the 4 strand Cocoanut Shell Necklace in red.

    design4less at yahoo dot com

  40. I like the Green Coconut shell bangle.

  41. I love the pink/green cowhid/hemp bracelet. :)

  42. I love this one-of a kind jewerly!My fav is the hemp Aries bracelet.Thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com

  43. I really like the simple Leather Cuff wristband with easy buckle burgundy /YT54!
    kkondek at gmail.com

  44. I follow via twitter - @ktkatherine
    kkondek at gmail.com

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Oo! I love the zodiac Pisces the fish charm Bracelet ceramic bead and hemp! PISCES rule! :)

  47. wow.. i love this http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25948961

    the bracelet is cool

    silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

  48. oh my favorite is the pink and yellow hemp Bracelet. its very pretty

  49. I like the YT43/ beige wavy cowhide leather cuff with a brass flower for ladies.
    jswandrn @ gmail.com

  50. love the cowhide & hemp multi strand bracelet.. such amazing talent!!


  51. I love the Cowhide 2 strand Bracelet cuff leather wristband /YT37! I'm a fan of the masculine look, this is so great!

  52. I like the red coconut shell bracelet and the leather braclets.

  53. My favorite item is the deep colors Cowhide and hemp multi-strand Bracelet - very neat stuff!

    smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

  54. I'm following your blog via BlogLovin.

    smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

  55. I'm so sorry- ignore my previous comment, I'm entering 2 giveaways at the same time and by mistake I posted on the wrong blog! Anywho, my fave is the Velours and Rattan Cuff Bracelet! Thanks for this giveaway, they're great! :_


I really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^

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