
New Ways to wear Scarfs

8:57:00 PM


First of all, I'm so sorry for being MIA for so long. I just simply refuse to end the holiday so it was kinda hard for me to get back on track doing some work again ;p Anyway, now I'm back. Hopefully with a new spirit.

How's your New Year's Eve? Or maybe, how was your 2009?
Mine was "so-so".
Well, despite of all the "not-so-good" or "things that didn't happened the way I want them to be" that happened to me during 2009 I'm still grateful for it because those things would help open my eyes and my mind and shape me into a better person.

But let's talk about the highlight instead, the highlight of my 2009 would be the birth of this blog! Yes, Two Thousand Things was born on early 2009 and I'm glad I did that because having Two Thousand Things has brought me many great experiences, from meeting great people of the blogging world (from PR person to business owner to fellow fashion bloggers) to interacting with so many people from different backgrounds and different countries which are a great experience for me, something that I love to do.
I'm so glad I finally have a job that made me happy all over! Making benefits and fortunes through blogging that is :D

And from there things are keep on going, I finally turn my other blog (Tigerlily's Book) into a Review&Giveaway blog which is something that I've been wanting to do. And I could still write about anything I like there because well, it's my own blog ;)

Since then I have received a handful of free things that are all useful to me and my family and friends, and I get to share it to the world too. I also love helping companies who supports social cause, helping them spread the words about their products as well as their cooperation with charity foundations. And to spread words about Green Living too! Helping to save the environment one at a time.

I have also been featured in other websites which made me "blush a little" because I have never been publicized on websites other than mine before ^o^
So yeah, those are all my achievements on 2009. Hubby also very proud of me, he keeps on saying that he's proud of me every time I got featured somewhere else. He is the NICEST hubby in the whole world. I'm so lucky to have him. He's always been supportive since the first day I decided to write a fashion blog. Thanks so much hon, LOVE you! :D
I'm also hoping that these blogs of mine would someday take me to a much more higher level ^__^ And I do believe that I could do that.

So anyway, now is 2010 and I'm hoping that this year would get even better than 2009! And I also hope that my biggest wish would come true this year ^__^

So my very first post in 2010 would be about "Other ways to wear Scarf". Well, I know this topic must have been discussed so many times but I found that scarf is now a versatile accessory too, not only it'll keep you warm but it could make a pretty detail of your outfit too. Now I'm not talking about how to wear your scarf on the neck because that's where we usually put our scarf but this time I'm gonna highlight on some other ways I wore my scarfs:

Most of the time, I wear them around my neck, either wrapped around once, twice or un-wrapped:

A couple of months ago I found this style on the blogosphere and I have been wearing my scarf like that ever since, because it's so cute and it looked like it's part of your top or dress:

I remember when I was getting ready with this look I couldn't make up my mind whether to tuck the scarf shorter or longer.

Whaddayathink? which one's better?
I end up with the shorter one though (first picture)

But then, still curious with the longer version I put on another scarf the next day:

I also found that a larger and longer scarf could be wrapped around your tube dress or tube top and be part of your outfit:

There are also a lot of videos on how to wear your scarf on youtube.
I got my inspirations from there.

So, that's it for now. If you have any other ideas on how to incorporate your scarf to your outfit then please do share ^__^
Have a great week everybody. Oh and I'm really sorry for not announcing the winner of my Tee Wit giveaway sooner, hopefully I could get to it tomorrow. Thanks for all of you who has entered the giveaway and so sorry for the delay.

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5 thoughts & comments

  1. Lovely post! I like the scarves you wore as almost a vest the best! And I like them both long and short, I guess it's just up to your mood! Happy new year!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    January Charmed bracelet giveaway!

  2. Oooh, I like. I'll be giving that one a try soon

  3. Happy new year!!
    nice post :)

    I like the way you wear a scarf in a longer one with belt and also wrapped it around shoulder :).

  4. Thanks for that! I'm a classical singer and we always wear scarves and shalls and they always get in my way, especially when I have to hold music. I can try some of these ways to make it fashionable but keeping in its place. Thanks :)

  5. thanks for your nice comments girls, I'm glad if it could inspire you. Also if you have other ideas on how to wear scarves please do share ^__^


I really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^

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