
Review: SkinFood Gold Kiwi Gift Set

8:51:00 PM

If you noticed, as a beauty blogger I like to talk more about skincare than makeup on this blog. And that's because... well, my pile of skincare products is apparently more higher than my makeup pile ;p 
And personally for me, reviewing skincare is easier to do than reviewing makeup, and I do believe that a flawless face is the basic of it all. Any makeup would look good if you have great skin as the base of your make up, right?

Well lately, just like the rest of the beauty bloggers I have been fallen in love with the Korean skincare. Skin Food is one of the famous Korean brand that I have tried and really believed in. I like their natural ingredients products and their packaging is simple but such an eye candy (I'm a packaging-whore, LOL). 

So today I would like to review the 
SkinFood Gold Kiwi gift set
This gift set includes: 
Gold Kiwi Toner 
Gold Kiwi Emulsion.

Because the back of the packaging were in Korean so I peeked into their english-version website to see what they say about the Gold Kiwi range.

And here's what it says on the website:
"New Zealand-ers eat goldkiwis without peeling them off not to miss out their nutritional effects. Skinfood has newly discovered a substance found in the gold kiwis's skin that can help restore your sun-damaged skin from deep under."

About the Toner:
"Highly moisturizing skin-whitening Gold Kiwi Toner restores your sun damaged skin back to a healthy and clearer tone. 
.....Making your skin smooth and clearer by removing the dead layer of skin cells from your skin's surface.".

About the Emulsion:
"Moisture-rich skin-whitening Gold Kiwi Emulsion restores and renews your skin from deep under, using a substance found in gold kiwis."

This Toner and Emulsion is part of the Gold Kiwi skincare range which is suitable for skin that needs a clearer complexion or for skin who has dark spots and signs of sun-damaged.

Because my skin sometimes looks dull and had a few stubborn dark spots (again, this is because I used to be lazy with sunscreen so I shall repeat that "sunscreen is important!") so it's the perfect timing to try this Gold Kiwi set on my skin.

First of all, I would like to mention that the use of "toner" in Korean skincare sometimes is a little bit different than what we know. We usually use toners after cleansing and we just put the toner in a cotton pad and swipe it on our face to clean the rest of the dirt and make up trace. But in Korean skincare a toner would sometimes means a formula that can be absorbed by your skin as part of skincare, so the formula would be absorbed by your skin instead of picking up left-over dirt and makeup. And this Gold Kiwi toner is one of those kind. This toner has a very watery liquid formula that would be absorbed by our skin and would prep our skin for the next step which is "the moisturizer". So the toner would help our skin absorbs the moisturizer/lotion/emulsion better, therefore maximizing the benefits of the moisturizer itself.

My Take:
(Current skin : combination oily with dark spots + dull complexion)
GoldKiwi Toner >> The website said that you could use the toner with or without cotton pad. Since this Gold Kiwi toner is very watery and liquid-y so I prefer to not use any cotton pad because I found the toner would get absorbed by the cotton pad thus reducing the amount that I would like to use. So what I do is I put the toner into my palm and then pat my face with it. I felt instantly refreshed as I feel the formula got absorbed by my skin, and I love smelling the lovely scent too :)

Some people have reviewed that there would be some kind of sticky feeling when applying the toner but it didn't happened to me. I have not experienced any stickiness, and yet my skin is combination oily. The formula absorbed rather quickly too and after that, my face felt instantly light, fresh, and felt totally clean. I suggest to use this after you wash your face because I always put this on in the morning right after I cleansed my face with my facial wash and maybe that's why I didn't experienced any stickiness because my skin was in a dry condition after I wash it with water.

GoldKiwi Emulsion >> After the toner were fully absorbed, the next step is to put on the Emulsion. The texture of the emulsion is thick watery and white-ish but the formula itself is very light. 

Again I love the scent which is not too strong but smells just lovely and refreshing. I also love the light texture of it so it won't clog my pores. It also got absorbed rather quickly and my face feels supple and moist after using it.

I sometimes added moisturizer afterward but other times I just put on sunscreen and then continue with my BB Cream or foundie. Whenever I use this Gold Kiwi set it would make a clean smooth base for my makeup (love it!), and it would help my makeup to stay put a little bit longer too. My foundation / BB Cream, powder and makeup would goes on smoothly so it really helps a lot with the makeup application. It would also keep my face stays moist and supple a little longer.

The after result:
After using the Toner + Emulsion for a few weeks I found my complexion is a little more radiant than it was before. My skin also look more fresh and more supple. 
I love the light texture, the subtle but sweet smelling of the Gold Kiwi range, and how it has effectively worked on my skin. I also love how it creates a smooth surface on my skin thus makes it easier for me to apply makeup.

Overall, I would love to buy this again in the future. But I don't know why this range is not available in Indonesia (I'm not sure if you can get it from the counter but I couldn't find it in Skinfood Indonesia website). So maybe they discontinue this range or maybe this range is only available in Korea and other countries, if anybody knows about the facts please let us know... ;)


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11 thoughts & comments

  1. Sounds yumm! Jadi pengen coba..
    eh mbak aku mau nanya, lebih murah beli di counter indonesia atau dari web langsung dari korea sih? thx for the advice :)

  2. great review :D
    klo aku malah sbaliknya, aku lebi suka review make up drpd skincare krn efek skincare lebih lama kelihatannya dan susah untuk jelasinnya hahaha xD


  3. Thanks for the review! I never knew that toner has a totally different usage in Korean thus the reason why this doesn't work on me..hehe~ I received a few sample packs of this but I didn't notice any changes after usage. Nice to hear that it works for you ^_^~

  4. @Damar: Kayanya sih untuk produk Korea kalau memang ada counternya disini ya mending beli di counter, soalnya kalau dari web di Korea kan kena shipping charge, jatuhnya jadi mahal. Kecuali kalo hunting di ebay ;) Banyak yg jual skincare Korea satuan di ebay dan mereka suka kasih free shipping. Aku pernah dapet masker Innisfree (brand Korea juga) beli di ebay, harganya kalo di rupiahin jadi cuma 10 ribuan plus free shipping pula hehehe

    @Rini: hehe soalnya aku misalkan kalo mau review eyeshadow ga tau kenapa kaya susah banget nangkep warna yg bagus dari eyeshadow nya (kamera nya kurang canggih kali yaa hehehe). Lagipula eyeshadow gitu kalo di mata ku entah kenapa kalo difoto suka ga dapet foto yg jelas huhu

    @Janet: Really? even after a few weeks? Well my skin felt more comfortable after using this especially the toner so yeah I guess it kinda works for me somehow ;)

  5. wow...tx ya buat reviu nya....
    coz wktu disuggestin pke sunscreen dr line ini aq g tau apa keistimewaannya...ahaha...aq biasa pake peach sake line soalnya...
    sekedar info nih...dlu aq juga beli d counter gtu...tpi stlah aq nemuin kalo beli d online jauh lebih murah...so aq ganti deh, galagi langganan d counter...ahahah....

  6. @abbyable: thank you udah baca reviewnya :) Iya mungkin kalo dari OL shop lokal sini suka ada yg lebih murah ya dari counter, emang musti rajin hunting kalo mau dapet yg lebih murah hehehe

  7. Yuhuu yuri, pas lg googling toner tsf apa yg oke, nemu blog ini deh. Stlh lama mikir, akhirnya mutusin nitip toner gold kiwi ini ama spupu yg ke korea. Smoga cocok dehh, makasihhh... Xoxo, medi

  8. Aq jadi pengin beli skinfood yg gold kiwi tyt bagus ya buat kulit berminyak. Selain toner + emulsion nya bahas ttg serum n cream nya dong, soalnya pengin tau bagus ga hasilnya n kayak apa. Tp ‎​°···τнäиκчöü···° bgt review nya yuri...

  9. Thanks for sharing with us your very detailed review of this Skinfood product. I will wait for your another review of beauty products. Have a nice day!

  10. aku biasa beli skincare Korea seperti SkinFood ini di www.riebutik.com. dia sistemnya PO gt 2-3 minggu. tapi harganya jaaaauh lebih murah daripada counter-counter di mall gitu kok. :) sekarang aku lagi pake Watery Berrynya Skinfood kalo udah mau abis mau cobain Gold Kiwiii nih hehe thanks for the review!

  11. Aaaakkk pas banget ini aku mau nyobain samplenya. Lengkap bgt mbak reviewnya! :D Smg ak bs cocok yaa soalnya problemku sm nih kyk km :/


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