
Accessory Trend: Collars

2:37:00 AM

I got my first collar from Romwe through a deep discount, I only pay about $6 (or is it $4?? I forgot) after the discount deduction ;) - It's a wide scalloped collar add-on, and it was love at first sight ^__^

I love collars because I think they can accentuate your blouses nicely, and they can double your wardrobe because they can re-new old clothes and make it look like it's another clothes! Take example of these outfits below..

This top is actually just a casual common t-shirt but when I put on a collar it become another blouse! The collar has turned this ordinary black tee into a cute scalloped collared black top! I got many compliments when I wore this the other day, especially on the blouse ;p

Romwe Collar // Rue 21 tee
Chic Simple skirt // Payless wedges
Guess ring // pink bracelet from MIL
Bag courtesy of Roxy Quiksilver

Another way to wear the collar is to wear it with a dress, it will give your dress a new look too! I experimented with different shapes such as round neck blouse, v-neck cardigans, boatneck top, etc.. And because this is a wide-type collar so I can also wear it with a tank top and it would cover the strap on the shoulder and made the tanktop looked like a sleeveless blouse instead ;p

Below I wear it with a slightly v-neck dress, the length of the collar falls near the v-neck opening so it doesn't really show that the collar is actually an add-on. I used my long hair to camouflage the gap, LOL..

Romwe Collar // Vintage dress
Metro bag // OASAP nude pumps (buy here)
If I hold back my hair you can see the gap ;p

Here is another way to wear it. I wore a polkadot tank top and then put on a jacket and added the collar on top of it. With no collar this outfit would look plain. What do you think? There are basically many ways to wear a collar, and it's fun to try mixing and matching it ;)

Romwe Collar // Forever21 leggings
My old Jacket (the brand has fallen off)
Polkadot tank, snagged from my old online store
Noche bag // Payless wedges // Ring from MIL
polkadot on polkadot ;p

I am now looking for more collars because I think it could be a staple in anyone's wardrobe due to their versatility. Now that I have a wide collar I am currently hunting for a more smaller collar, I'm also looking for a v-shaped collar. It's still hard to find cute affordable collars here because I think the trend hasn't come fully loaded on this country yet, so there are still limited options out there. So for now maybe I'd browse Romwe and start building my wishlist instead ;p

How about you? Do you love collars too? Where do you get your collars?


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4 thoughts & comments

  1. Ih itu kerah-nya bikin semua outfit jadi keliatan beda ya? Padahal selama ini gw memandang sebelah mata kerah pura-pura ini. :))


    Brb, ke mesin jahit. :D

  2. Hi Yuri,
    collar-nya cuteee bangeettt..
    ternyata lagi ngetrend yaks?
    Jadi inget jaman2 victorian dulu, mereka sukanya gonta ganti collar gituu..

    eniwei, itu pakenya gimana ya?
    bagian belakangnya seperti apa?
    thanksss :D

  3. skrg collar lg ngetrend bgt ya yur.. Aku jg br beli satu sih kalung collarnya.. :D lucu baju nya bs keliatan ky baju beda gt klo ditambahin collar (^0^)/

  4. @Okke: Iya lumayan loh bisa bikin baju lama jd kaya baju baru yg kita blom punya hehehe Dirimu bisa jahit? aahhhh aku iriiii... ;p

    @Puput: Aku juga suka segala sesuatu berbau victorian hehehe Ini dipakenya kaya pake kalung aja put, di blakangnya ada cantolan nya ;p Kalo model yg kecil kadang ada yg bisa digedein / dikecilin juga, kalo yg ini model lebar gitu jd cuma kaya pake kalung aja :)

    @Rini: Kamu beli dimanaaaa??? Aku ingin liat dooongg, twitpic please hehehe


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