
Review + Giveaway : Talika Lipocils Expert !

11:58:00 PM

Remember my previous post about the Talika Indonesia launching a couple of months back? Well I've talked about their world famous Talika Lipocils which is one of their universal best seller product, and how I've been wanting to try it because I have problems with my lower eyelashes (as in "lack of lower lashes").

So I was ecstatic when I found out at the end of the event that we were given a mini sample of Talika Lipocils Expert to try for ourselves! And I did promise you a full review, so here it goes...

Well you're probably already aware of how I love these Talika Lipocils Expert, because I have included it in my April Favorite Products as one of my number one favorite products! And I swear, it is by far, one of the most amazing product I have tried so far.

What it says:
Talika, a specialist in eyelash care since 1948, has re-formulated its famed Lipocils into an even more potent formula. The Lipocils Expert conditions the lashes to help them: 
- lengthen by up to 36%, 
- strengthen by up to 50%, 
- curl up by up to 50%.

It is a lash enhancer which composed from a special blend of natural actives. It also has no side effects.

My Take:
I received the mini sized Lipocils Expert which has a foam applicator, but the normal size Lipocils Expert would have a combined foam + mascara brush applicator. You use the foam applicator to apply product at the root of the lashes along the eyelid, and then the mascara brush to apply on the lashes. Apply it on both upper and lower eyelashes for maximal effects.

The recommended use for this product is minimal of 28 days until you can see some results. Although I have the mini size bottle but it lasted for more than 28 days for me. I think it lasted for about one and a half month for me, so a little really goes a long way :)

The consistency is clear and color-less, it's a bit thick but not sticky or greasy at all. It's really easy to apply, it only needs less than 2 minutes to apply, and you can use it everyday too (before sleep and in the morning). It felt comfortable on the eyelids, it would feel a little bit wet but you can use your mascara right after using the Lipocils.

To give you a glimpse of how my eyelashes looks like (especially the lower leashes) before the Talika Lipocils came and rescue them, here it is...

Look at my lower lashes, it's thin, sparse and almost zero near the outer corner. 
I hate it.

I love mascaras because it accentuates my eyes, so I hate it if I couldn't get any mascaras on my lower lashes because there aren't any lashes there! 

Any eye makeup would be prettier with thick lashes on both upper and lower eyelashes, right? It would accentuate your eyes even more. But so far it has been a fail for me.

I always dreamed of having a little more lashes down there but thought that there's nothing I can do about it. But I am so wrong, ha! 

If you have similar problems like mine then don't fret, because I think I finally found the solution to this problem. It is of course, the Talika Lipocils Expert

After using it for more than 28 days (about a month), 
here is the final result:
(click to enlarge and see details)

Amazing, right? 
Within 28 days I can actually see the difference on my eyelashes!! It is now more prominent even without mascara! You can see that Talika Lipocils Expert can really live up to their name, no wonder that this is one of the sought-after product for eyelashes. You can see from the photo above that now my eyelashes is longer, thicker, and more curled up! And I now have lower eyelashes, yippie..!! They are not prominent enough yet but i can see new lashes growing out near the corner, and the other lower lashes is now longer and thicker too so when I wear mascara down there, it finally shows! 

Do you believe me now? ;)

I am a satisfied user. I couldn't thank Talika enough for allowing me to try this Lipocils Expert. If you have similar problems like my eyelashes then I highly recommend this product for you. But remember, you must use it daily and regularly for minimal of 28 days to make the product works.

Talika Lipocils Expert is available in Talika counters at:
-Metro Plaza Senayan
-Metro Pondok Indah Mall 1

Price: IDR 485.000

It is expensive but it's really worth the price, especially if you're like me who have "lack of eyelashes" problem, or a "thin and short eyelashes" problem and been trying to find a product that could fix it. 

For more info and to get updates from Talika Indonesia, follow their twitter and facebook page here:
Twitter: @TalikaID
Facebook: Talika Indonesia


Okay, now it's your chance to also try this amazing product on your own! Are you ready for the giveaway now? ;p

  Thanks to Talika Indonesia I have three Talika Lipocils Expert to give to three lucky readers! >> Yes, that's right! It's three Lipocils Expert for three winners :D

This is the mini sized version just like mine above, but this will lasts for 28 days and more :)

Please pay attention to the RULES before you enter.

(To be eligible for this giveaway contest you MUST do the MANDATORY below. You only need 1 Mandatory entry to enter, but you could also have Additional entries to maximize your chances, please remember to leave each entry in a separate comment box or it won't be counted)

To ENTER (MANDATORY) : You must tell me in the comment of this post, why you really need a Talika Lipocils Expert. Maybe you have lashes problem like mine, or maybe you want to give it to somebody else that you know would need it, etc... (1 entry)

For Additional entry :
  • Follow this blog via GFC (Google Friend Connect) - must be a visible follower. (2 entries, write a separate comment box for each entry)

  • Like Talika Indonesia on Facebook then in a NEW separate comment write your id. (2 entries)

  • Follow Talika Indonesia via Twitter, leave your id below. (1 entry)

  • Follow Two Thousand Things via Twitter, leave me your id below. (1 entry)

  • Post this giveaway on your blog and link it to this page. You can grab any photo from above post. Don't forget to leave me the link. (2 entries)

  • Tweet about this giveaway and mention @2thousandthings and @TalikaID. You can use the "tweet" button on the bottom of this post. Give me the link to your tweet. (To find the link of your tweet, click the time stamp right underneath your twitter message / status). (1 entry)

NOTE : Remember to include your email in the comment box so I can reach you if you win.

Your entries will be visible after my approval so All entries that does not apply with the rules will not be counted and I will not published the entry.

This giveaway will end on July 27, 2012 at 24:00pm. 
This giveaway is open for INDONESIAN ADDRESS ONLY! 
Winner will be announced here on July 28, 2012.

I will use random.org to pick the winning number and will email the winner so make sure you leave your email address. If the winner does not respond within 48hrs then I will have to choose another winner and will announce it again in my blog. Good luck to everyone! ^__^


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110 thoughts & comments

  1. I need it for my lashes, to outburst my eyes radiance. Ah! Love it when you found the perfect product for your eyes <3

    Email: kn.purba@gmail.com

  2. I need it for my gauzy lashes. So Talika could help me to make my eyes shining.

    GFC : Kharisma Natalia

    Email: kn.purba@gmail.com

  3. Liked Talika Indonesia on Facebook

    Email: kn.purba@gmail.com

    note: i wrote the mandatory Q on my previous comment.

  4. Followed @TalikaID from @__kharisma (double underscore)

    Email: kn.purba@gmail.com

    I wrote mandatory Q on my previous comment.

  5. Followed @2thousandthings from @__kharisma (double underscore)

    Email: kn.purba@gmail.com

    I wrote mandatory Q on my previous comment.

  6. Tweeted it :

    ID : @__kharisma

    Email: kn.purba@gmail.com

    I wrote mandatory Q on my previous comment.

  7. Pingin nyoba produk ini karena bulu mataku hampir gak ada :) wkwkk, tipis bin pendek hiks, kali ajah produk ini bisa bikin bulu mataku tumbuh bagus hehee

    1. GFC name: winda :) sudah lama jadi followermu say heheee
    email: wind.atree@yahoo.com

    2. done
    my Fb name is winda trisuci

    3. done
    my twit name is @wind1403

    4. done
    my twit name is @wind1403

    5. post in my blog about giveaways http://wind-atree.blogspot.com/2012/07/giveaway-in-juli.html

    6. my twit about giveaway https://twitter.com/wind1403/status/225429829258981378

  8. hi..im joined this giveaway :)
    i have done first 4 point..
    i need talika lipocils expert because i have same problem like you..huhuhu,even the upper lash too..

    my gfc name is sicca
    my fb id is lily sanjaya
    my twitter is @missleepink
    my email : encourage43@gmail.com

  9. nyoba talika lipocils expert coz pengen bulu mata ku panjang :)

  10. Joined :)
    I need it because I have a very short lashes :( I hope this product can help with my problem~

    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. GFC Follower: Shasha (1)
    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. GFC Follower: Shasha (2)
    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. follow talika twitter:@miarsiku

  14. Liked Talika's FB: Natasha Laurensia
    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com


  15. Liked Talika's FB: Natasha Laurensia
    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com


  16. follow 2thousandthings twitter:@miarsiku

  17. Talika's Twitter follower: @sha288

    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com

  18. https://twitter.com/miarsiku/status/225493565961273344

  19. 2thousandthings's Twitter follower: @sha288

    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. tweeted: https://twitter.com/sha288/status/225495865299697666

    laurensianatasha (at )gmail (dot) com

  21. Sidebar post: http://missbelanjaonline.blogspot.com/

    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com

  22. Sidebar post: http://missbelanjaonline.blogspot.com/

    laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. I really need Talika Lipocil Expert because I have a very thin lashes, and your review looks promising.

    email me on: fenny(dot)hiendryanto(at)yahoo(dot)com

  24. GFC ID : Fenn

    email me on: fenny(dot)hiendryanto(at)yahoo(dot)com

  25. Facebook ID: Fenny Hiendryanto
    email me on: fenny(dot)hiendryanto(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. Folow Talika Indonesia : @FHiendryanto

    email me on: fenny(dot)hiendryanto(at)yahoo(dot)com

  27. Follow Two Thousand Things : @FHiendryanto

    email me on: fenny(dot)hiendryanto(at)yahoo(dot)com

  28. Post this giveaway on my blog: http://occasionallyimpulsive.blogspot.com/2012/07/two-thousand-things-lipocil-expert.html

    email me on: fenny(dot)hiendryanto(at)yahoo(dot)com

  29. Tweet about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/FHiendryanto/status/225505697725562882

    email me on: fenny(dot)hiendryanto(at)yahoo(dot)com

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  36. hello :)
    i want this product because i'm really interested with this product and would like to try out this product my myself

    GFC: Xiao Vee
    email: xiaoveeworld@gmail.com

  37. Followed your blog

    GFC: Xiao Vee
    email: xiaoveeworld@gmail.com

  38. Liked Talika Fanpage on Facebook :)

    email: xiaoveeworld@gmail.com

  39. following Talika's twitter ^^

    email: xiaoveeworld@gmail.com

  40. sorry i forgot to mention my FB name..
    FB name: Shelviana H

    email: xiaoveeworld@gmail.com

  41. Posted the giveaway on sidebar, link: http://ditaindahlestari.blogspot.com/
    Email: cheonsafordita(at)gmail(dot)com

  42. sorry i forgot to mention my twitter >_<

    my twitter: @XiaoVee_

    email: xiaoveeworld@gmail.com

  43. tweeted: https://twitter.com/XiaoVee_/status/225517839522607105

    email: xiaoveeworld@gmail.com

    thank you :)

  44. I've been stalking this product for quite a while =="
    I want to give it to my best friend..
    She has a problem with her irritated eyes so the lashes are fallen down..

    Thank you

    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

  45. I've followed @TalikaID using my twitter account: @faith1089

    thank you

    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

  46. I've followed @2thousandthings using my twitter account: @faith1089

    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

  47. I Tweeted here: https://twitter.com/faith1089/status/225630518924939264

    Thank you

    e-mail: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

  48. I've liked Talika Indonesia on Facebook using my account: Iis Istiqomah (www.facebook.com/faith1089)

    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

    Thank you

  49. I've liked Talika Indonesia on Facebook using my account: Iis Istiqomah (www.facebook.com/faith1089)

    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

    Thank you

  50. I'm a follower of Two Thousand Things using my GFC: katakecil

    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

    Thank you

  51. I'm a follower of Two Thousand Things using my GFC: katakecil

    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

    Thank you

  52. I'm sorry but I'm not sure whether I've submitted twice about Liking Talika Indonesia on Facebook or not..

    If not, please kindly accept this as the second one:

    My FB: Iis Istiqomah (www.facebook.com/faith1089)
    email: d_immoeth@yahoo.com

    Thank you

  53. I really need a Talika Lipocils Expert because I have such a dull eyelashes. They are there on my eyes but not quite visible. Moreover, they are straight. -_-

    And to be honest, my eyes are very sensitive, thus forcing me to stay away from mascara. It's hard to find mascara which is not irritate my eyes.

    I guess by using Talika Lipocils Expert, it will help me to get that gorgeous, curled up eyelashes. :)

    Hope I can get a Talika Lipocils Expert from you ^_^


  54. Followed ur blog via GFC

    My GFC name: utotia


  55. Followed ur blog via GFC

    My GFC name: utotia


  56. Liked Talika's FB: Istiarina Putri


  57. Liked Talika's FB: Istiarina Putri


  58. Followed Talika Indonesia's twitter: @utotia


  59. Followed Talika Indonesia's twitter: @utotia


  60. Followed Two Thousand Things via twitter: @utotia


  61. Followed Two Thousand Things via twitter: @utotia


  62. Post this giveaway on my blog:



  63. Post this giveaway on my blog on the sidebar:


  64. tweeted about this giveaway:


  65. I'd really like to try this product out, because just like you, I have almost no eyelashes underneath my eyes. It would be fun to see if it would work as well on me as it did on you!
    email: emelina@gmail.com

  66. Follow with rusty / emelina hagerskans
    email: emelina@gmail.com

  67. Follow with rusty / emelina hagerskans
    email: emelina@gmail.com

  68. Liked on FB: Emelina Hagerskans

  69. Liked on FB: Emelina Hagerskans

  70. Followed on twitter: @ohrusty

  71. i need this product because i have a short lashes specially my lower lash and i want to have a long and thick lashes, so i want to try out this product :D

    GFC : Shella sanjaya

    twitt : https://twitter.com/shellasanjaya/status/225856262263414784

  72. Email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

    i need it for my bestie because she have a very short lashes, like no lashes. i want her to try talika lipocils expert

  73. Follow via GFC. DONE
    GFC NAME: Prettiest Me

  74. Like Talika Indonesia on Facebook: DONE
    with my fb name: Anna Desiana

    email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

  75. Follow Talika Indonesia via Twitter.
    my id: @DesianaAnna

    email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

  76. Follow Two Thousand Things via Twitter. DONE
    my id: @DesianaAnna

    email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

  77. Post this giveaway on my blog:

    email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

  78. Tweet about this giveaway and mention @2thousandthings and @TalikaID. DONE


    email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

  79. Halo yuri..
    Waah itu pemakaian 1,5 bulan aja efeknya signifikan banget yaa.. Jadi lebih tebel n panjang.. Gimana kalo diterusin lagi.. pengeeeenn.. >.<


  80. Ikutan giveawaynya deh..

    email: eva.rizki.hutami@gmail.com

    GFC follower
    ID: ephong

    Liked Talika's Facebook Page
    ID: Eva Rizki Hutami

    Followed Talika n Yuri's Twitter
    ID: @ephong


    Posted on my blog's sidebar!

  81. Pingin nyoba produk ini karena bulu mataku hampir gak ada :) wkwkk, tipis bin pendek hiks, kali ajah produk ini bisa bikin bulu mataku tumbuh bagus hehee

  82. GFC name: winda :) sudah lama jadi followermu say heheee
    email: wind.atree@yahoo.com

  83. follower Talika indaonesia name @wind1403

  84. post in my blog about giveaways http://wind-atree.blogspot.com/2012/07/giveaway-in-juli.html

  85. my twit about giveaway https://twitter.com/wind1403/status/225429829258981378

  86. Tweet about this giveaway and mention @2thousandthings and @TalikaID again. DONE


    email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

  87. Tweet about this giveaway and mention @2thousandthings and @TalikaID again. DONE


    email: prettiest.me@gmail.com

  88. Pengen Talika Lipocils Expert karena :
    Bulu mata ku pendek >.< dan gak lentik.. Siapa tau dengan talika bulu mataku tumbuh ..
    Mau beli sendiri tapi masalahnya, kantong mahasiswa belum bisa beli produk ini.. *blushing*
    Semoga bisa dapat free product ..

    *finger Crossed*


  89. GFC Name : Swankalishious


  90. facebook name : Fina Fadiana


  91. Twitter : @finafadiana


  92. I have also follow you
    twitter : @finafadiana


  93. I have post your giveaway and also put it on my sidebar :)
    here is the link



  94. I have tweeted the giveaway
    the link : https://twitter.com/finafadiana/status/226960451437752321


  95. ingin coba karena Bulu mataku rendah,kurang lentik,jadi kaya tidur gitu bulu matanya .heheee
    Sering rontok juga,setiap pagi pasti ada aja yg rontok,lama2 botak deh :p


  96. GFC name: hana's clay

    email: hana_clay@yahoo.com

  97. 2.aku udah like FB :)
    FB Name : hana clay

    emaiL : hana_clay@yahoo.com

  98. 3. Follow Talika Indonesia via Twitter as @hanalone

    email : hana_clay@yahoo.com

  99. Follow Two Thousand Things via Twitter as @hanalone

    email : hana_clay@yahoo.com

  100. 5. Post on my blog :

    email : hana_clay@yahoo.com

  101. 6.Tweeted it : : https://twitter.com/hanalone/status/227253901802483712

    id : @hanalone

    email : hana_clay@yahoo.com

  102. twiteed again:


  103. twittwed again:


  104. twitted again:



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