
Review: The Face Shop BlackHead EX Clear Cleansing Foam

1:26:00 PM

Hello, this is a review request :) 
This product review was requested by my blogger friend Bella (Christabella Nathania) who commented on my sasa.com haul post back in April in which I shared about my hauls from SASA, and this cleansing foam is one of the purchases I made back then from SASA.

This BlackHead Ex Clear Cleansing Foam is from the well known Korean brand "The Face Shop". I also listed this product as one of my Favorite product in my April Favorites post

So here is a quick review of the product:

I bought this Cleansing Foam at Sasa.com for $8,2 and the tube is pretty big (it's 150ml). I was looking for a new face cleanser to use in the shower, and the reason why I chose this one is because I've read somewhere that this cleanser is suitable for reducing blackheads especially on the  nose. And I also read that this cleanser can also be used as soft scrub for your face. I was also looking for a light scrub that I can use everyday without drying out my skin, so I made up my mind and bought this product.

The back of this product packaging is fully written in Korean so I really have no idea what it says ;p But I love the medium big size of the tube, it's really worth the $8,2 ;p 

And I also love how it's so easy to use because of the shape of the tube (although later on I found that the cap is not sturdy enough, now it won't flip closed properly, leaving a small gap - which is actually didn't really matter ;p), and the fact that I can use this as a daily face wash as well as a daily soft scrub for my face without making my skin dry.

My Take:
(My skin type : Combination Oily)
 The reason why I put this on my Favorite Product list back in April is because I find it really helpful in reducing my large pores and also helps keep the blackheads away. At the time when I bought this cleansing foam I was also having weird problems with really large pores around my nose (which I have never experienced before). But as I told you above that's not the reason why I bought this product at the first place. I bought it because I was in need of a soft scrub that I can use daily. But then after about a week of use, I noticed that after I changed my usual face wash with this cleansing foam I found that those super large pores around my nose are gone! Wow, I didn't realize that this cleansing foam can also do that! So I was very surprised and continue using this cleansing foam up until now ;)

The texture of this cleansing foam is a bit thick and foamy, and it has this little tiny granules in it which I think are the scrubs. The granules are so tiny and you almost couldn't feel it during application, but your face would feel fresh and thoroughly clean afterward :)

Can you spot the teeny tiny granules? (click photo to enlarge it)
When in contact with water..

The After Result:
I love the texture which is so soft on the skin but yet it gives you that thorough clean feeling afterward (without the dryness!). It doesn't irritate my skin even if I use it everyday, morning and night ;) ...
I also love the fact that it can double functions as a daily soft scrub for my face. And although I don't see any great impact with my blackheads condition (as the name of this product suggests), but I saw great results in reducing the large pores and it keep my pores healthy up until today ^__^

Overall, I love this Cleansing Foam. 
It came in a large tube so it lasts long enough (I've been using it on and off for about 4 months and the tube is still half full ;p). I would probably buy this again in the future. I saw this product on The Face Shop counter at Metro PIM 1 and the price is about the same as in SASA so I might probably get it at the local counter next time ;)


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6 thoughts & comments

  1. Nice...I love the face shop cleansing foam too...they have a lot variant of cleansing foam....may be I should try this one too...coz I have a lot of blackhead and pore around my nose area....
    Thank you for sharing....

  2. This product does sound like a good thing, i'm always in search of a good cleanser for my face, i might give it a try. Also, thank you very much for all the comments on my blog, it really means a lot to me, i have answered all the questions on my blog too) xoxo


  3. I've never used anything from this brand before, but I know one thing - once you find something that works with your skin, keep with it. Large pores REALLY suck and it's great that you found a product to help with that.

  4. i love ur blog so much that i nominate you for Versatile Blogger Award
    Check out the link http://wind-atree.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-first-award.html :)

  5. nice review...i love this review...tapi sayangnya sista tdk memasukkan foto before and after kulit muka sista setelah memakai produk ini...penasaran aja pengen lihat lngsung perubahan pore nya hehe...

  6. @joshineun: Thank you so much, i'm glad u like the review :)
    Oiya kalo soal foto emang krn aku awalnya kan beli produk ini bukan untuk bisa ngecilin pori atau nggak, melainkan emang beli buat face wash sehari2 aja krn sabun muka scrub ku abis ;p Jadinya dr awal emang ga ada niatan foto before-after gitu, wong cuma buat sabun muka sehari-hari hehe
    Trus tiba2 setelah pakai face wash ini kok pas diperhatiin pori2ku yg entah knp tiba2 membesar eh tau2 jd normal lagi setelah pake ini. Jadi ini hasilnya kebetulan aja ada efek samping lain yg positif hehehe Makanya aku tulis juga sekalian ;)

    Thanks for stopping by yaa :)


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